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How do we book?

Simply send us an email or give us a call. We’ll talk you through the process, answer any questions and book you in – that’s one less thing you need to think about!

How long will it take to receive our wedding photos/video?

We aim to complete the editing process as quickly as possible and photos/videos are usually sent within 6-8 weeks after the wedding so you can relive the joy of your big day as soon as possible. (In peak season, this timeframe may be extended due to high demand).

Will I need to pay a deposit?

A non-refundable booking fee of £300.00 (Single Service – Photography or Video) or £400 (Both Services) is required in order to complete your booking. This secures (only) the date you have stated on the booking form. If you cancel our services or change the wedding date prior, the booking fee will not be refunded.

How far in advance should we book?

We are very flexible and have had bookings as far in advance as two years, and as close as two days, from the big day! However, we advise you to leave as much time as possible to guarantee a booking and allow sufficient time to plan. Not to mention saving you the stress of a last-minute booking!

Are you insured to work at our wedding?

Yes. We are fully insured, having both professional indemnity and public liability insurance. Our drone operators are also fully licenced.

How long are the wedding videos?

You will receive a highlights video (depending on the package chosen), showing the most magical and memorable moments from your special day. Plus full footage of the ceremony, speeches and first dance.

How many photos will I receive? Will they be in full resolution?

You will receive between 400 - 800 photos depending on the length of coverage that you book for. All of these will be full-resolution JPEGs that can be printed in very high quality.

Are we expected to feed the photographers/videographers?

No, not at all. We can either nip out during the main meal or bring a packed lunch. For weddings lasting longer than 4 hours, we will take a 45-minute break whilst you are having your wedding breakfast.